
Posts Tagged ‘X-Factor’

I have been very busy this past week and no new reviews.  I will try and get some up soon, but I at least want to put up the ole pull list, so here goes:

  1. Captain America #37
  2. Incredible Hercules #116
  3. Powers Annual 2008
  4. X-Factor #30
  5. Perhapanuats #1

I am also considering adding DMZ and 100 Bullets to the list.  I am gobbling up back issues and TPBs like crazy and I am pretty close to saying yes to these two titles.  They are really sweet reads so far.

This is a high quality week for sure.  Probably my most favorite week of all Cap, Herc, and X-Factor I am sure will be awesome.  The book I am most looking forward to is Captain America and I hope we find out more about the Steve in the tank!  I do not have a least favorite this week.  I am trying Perhapanauts on some reviews I saw and will see what I think.

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